AHC21020 - Certificate II in Conservation and Ecosystem Management

This qualification provides the skills and knowledge required for work in a defined context and/or for further study in conservation and ecosystem management. Work would be carried out under general guidance and supervision.

Course Overview

The qualification enables individuals to select and develop basic factual, technical and procedural knowledge in conservation and ecosystem management for Indigenous land management, lands, parks and wildlife services and the restoration and rehabilitation of ecosystems.

Entry Requirements

There are no specific entry requirements for this course however a sufficient level of language, literacy and numeracy is required for students to be able to complete the required assessments.

Course Structure

To be awarded the Certificate II in Conservation and Ecosystem Management you must complete -
A total number of 15 units
2 core units plus
13 elective units, of which:

Core units:
AHCWHS201 - Participate in work health and safety processes
AHCWRK209 - Participate in environmentally sustainable work practices

Elective units​*
AHCBIO203 - Inspect and clean machinery, tools and equipment to preserve biosecurity
AHCPMG201 - Treat weeds
AHCPMG202 - Treat plant pests, diseases and disorders
AHCWRK204 - Work effectively in the industry
AHCWRK205 - Participate in workplace communications
AHCCHM201 - Apply chemicals under supervision
AHCINF202 - Install, maintain and repair farm fencing
AHCINF203 - Maintain properties and structures
AHCMOM202 - Operate tractors
AHCMOM203 - Operate basic machinery and equipment
AHCMOM213 - Operate and maintain chainsaws
HLTAID011 - Provide First Aid
TLID1001 - Shift materials safely using manual handling methods
​*Elective units may vary by location or negotiation

Course Delivery

You have up to 12 months to complete the course.


Assessment is based on competency (the ability to demonstrate specific skills), depending on delivery, may be undertaken through a combination of observation and discussion, case studies and written assignments.

Recognition & Credit

You may already have significant experience in some of the areas covered by this qualification. If you can provide sufficient evidence of this you may be able to meet the course requirements by a recognition pathway. Contact Civil safety for further information.
If you have already have acquired some of the units of competency in this qualification and be eligible for a direct credit for completed units. In order to claim a credit for these units Civil Safety must sight an original Statement of Attainment from the issuing registered training organisation.


You will be required to complete a pre-enrolment assessment as part of the enrolment process.  The pre-enrolment assessment assists in evaluating your suitability for the course and to tailor any required support services to meet your individual needs.  If required, a representative from Civil Safety may contact you to discuss alternative options or available support services to assist you with your course.
During your studies, you will receive feedback after each assessment/assignment and the trainer/assessor will be available to discuss the feedback or provide additional assistance or direction as appropriate. 


A qualification testamur and transcript will be issued by Civil safety upon successful completion of course requirements, provided that all administrative requirements have been met and course fees are paid in full.  In these circumstances, certificate will be issued within 30 days.

Where a student does not complete all course components, a statement of attainment listing successfully completed units will be issued by Civil Safety within 30 days of course completion/exit as long as applicable outstanding fees are paid.


Enrolment is contingent upon an application being accepted.  Factors considered in the evaluation of enrolment applications include meeting course entry requirements, eligibility for a training subsidy (where applicable) and acceptance or any applicable terms of enrolment.

It is a condition of enrolment in any nationally recognised training (accredited) programme that you supply the training organisation with a valid unique student identifier (USI).  If you don’t already have a USI, you can apply for one online at www.usi.gov.au.

Enrolment is confirmed upon payment of applicable fees, Civil Safety will collect no more than $1500 of the total fee on initial enrolment.


You may be eligible to receive a government subsidy for this course.  Please contact Civil Safety to check if you are eligible.

Further Information

Our student handbook is available to prospective students and is available prior to enrolment by contacting any of our training locations or can be downloaded from our website www.civilsafety.edu.au.  The student handbook reflects our policies and contains important information on enrolment, recognition, training & assessment, complaints and appeals, fees and refunds, rules and responsibilities and a range of general information.  To enrol or for any further information please contact one of our offices via the contact details in the location section.

Upcoming Programs

Please contact us HERE for more information.